Week 1: June 8-15

asheville nc


Darren. I keep finding finding stuff on the internet or out in the world that I want to share with you, and I have all these photos, but we’re awake at different times and I can’t always send them right away, so I’ve been saving them up. I’ll put them here for you.


June 8 & 9


Of course I think of this song whenever we’re apart.

red day, blue day

On Sunday when I woke up I didn’t know what to do with myself.* I found this workout while scrolling Buzzfeed seeking diversion.

*Self-evident disclaimer that not all lyrics apply. 😘


It’s the one I told you about. You do two workouts - Red Day & Blue Day, and then you have a rest day, and then two more days on, and then two off. You start by doing as many rounds of five reps each exercise as you can in 10 minutes, and gradually increase the time.

I started with Red Day:

I don’t have weights so I just make fists.

I don’t have weights so I just make fists.


bikers welcome

Later that day I went out to get coffee with Georgia. We went to Owl Bakery in West Asheville.

I saw some signage on the off ramp.

Probably an effective ad for the Alley Cat bar.

June 10

on monday:


Turkey time…

and a funny tweet.


June 11 -15


On tuesday

I brushed a kitten’s worth of fur off Neko on the deck.


also this week, I:


Ate good breakfasts,


learned new things,

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went to Ingles.

They’re totally jammed!

They’re totally jammed!

reading list

I think you know I have a setup whereby I can tag stuff on the internet with Pocket, and it gets stored to a database of my choosing in Airtable, yeah? One of the tables is for articles I spot during the week that I don’t have time to read right then. Every Saturday a list of the articles I’ve saved is emailed to me automatically through the glorious power of technology.

Tech can’t actually get me to read all of them every week though. But here are a few I saved this week that I’ve either read or at least started.

The Cruelty is the Point, by Adam Serwer. theatlantic.com

Welcome to the Age of Surveillance Capitalism, by Noah Smith. www.bloomberg.com

The Legacy of Amazon HQ2: Rebellion Against Corporate Welfare, by Nicky Woolf. onezero.medium.com

Huge, Shaggy Head of 30,000-Year-Old Wolf Unearthed in Siberia, by George Dvorsky. gizmodo.com 😯 Warning - the photo is slightly gnarly.

One done, nine to go. Love. 💖

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